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“If you are looking for a trusted and user-friendly bedside monitoring system, then SVM-7603 is made for you”.
Why choosing this SVM-7603?
SVM-7603 is the bed-side patient monitoring system, having everything you can ask for. There are so many things it offers, like storing 120 hours of trend graph, numeric value list and arrhythmia recall. With a battery life of 6 hours, it can also store the alarm history of 120 hours. It also features an inter-bed network where maximum 8 beds can be connected, allows the care-givers to observe any patient data from any monitor. It is an interesting feature to have which can reduce the rush in the medical hall. It is a user-friendly device featuring an onscreen-guide which helps people to easily operate the device. Also, its performance to cost ratio is excellent. Overall, it is a good patient monitoring system to have in a medical organization.