Draeger Hi-Flow O2 Therapy Device

It is the time to take pure oxygen but not with the weird feelings of wearing a mask”

What isDraeger hi-flow O2 therapy:

  • It is a non-invasive respiratory support, providing patients with humidified, warmed, oxygen-enriched air.
  • It helps in generation of oxygen, increase in respiratory rate and improvements in decease like dyspnea. Only patients who need oxygen at higher flow rate while breathing spontaneously, are treated with this therapy.

How it differs from conventional oxygen therapy:

  • It uses a special binasal High-Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC) and a heated inspiratory breathing circuit to produce heated and humidified oxygen air and to pass it at high flow rates (30 l/min to 50 l/min). Thus, it provides more constant supply of oxygen which makes it better than traditional oxygen therapy.
  • It also replaces the expired CO2 with oxygen-enriched gas by washing it out of the inspiratory dead space in the airways.
  • A nasal cannula is used in this therapy, making the patient comfortable even after using it for a long time.
  • The humidification of the gas steam is done with great care so that it doesn’t get harmful for the patient as uncontrolled humidified and warmed gas steam cause problems like mucosal dying.


Draeger hi-flow oxygen therapy is a life-saving as well as cost-efficient treatment. The patient does not need a ventilator for this treatment, which helps him financially. Also, the outcome of this therapy is a lot better and it also makes patients recover faster, reducing the staying in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit). It also shows that traditional mask-based therapy is not the only way for both non-invasive and invasive respiratory therapy.

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