
‘Worried and confused immensely for an ideal multi para-monitors for your medical-unit? Look out of your window-pane and you will find PVM-2701 at your door-step to make you relieved.’ 

PVM-2701 is one of the efficient primarily used multi para monitors. It is 10 inch bedside monitor.

Features of PVM-2701:

  • PVM-2701 has a large 10.4-inch high-resolution colour TFT LCD screen.
  • It has 5 parameters that are ECG, SPO2, NIBP, impedance respiration, temperature.
  • 4 waveforms are also there. (ECG X 2, SPO2, respiration).
  • It weighs very light and easy to carry with handle.
  • Battery operation generally stays 3 hours.
  • Easy and intuitive operation can be done with touch panel operation.
  • Ability of large data storage is up to 120 hours trend, Arrhythmia recall, alarm history and full disclosure.
  • Necessary data can be found by the user due to synchronization of time across all review screens.
  • It has onscreen operation guidance benefits. PVM can be used easily due to an onscreen operation guidance. The illustration will show how to solve problems regarding any technical fault if occurs. Correct measurement of ECG, SPO2 and NIBP are aslo showed by the guidance.
  • Effective ECG monitoring is also one of the main features of PVM-2701.


PVM-2701 monitor has a new parameter that is PWTT (pulse wave transit time) and blood pressure can be correlated with this. PWTT from ECG and SpO2 is calculated continuously by the monitor during periodic NIBP measurement. NIBP measurement increases if PWTT exceeds the threshold. Twenty-three types of arrhythmia detection, ST measurement and selectable QRS detection (it can be adult, child or neonate) are effectively monitored. An optional 3 channel recorder is also used. It is highly accurate in ec1 arrhythmia analysis. It has a smart cable system and when a smart cable is plugged into multi-socket, it will detect the type of parameter by an automatic process.



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